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Image by David Brooke Martin

Do the work

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Unleash Your Inner fire and become more of your true self.

Image by Fransiskus Filbert Mangundap


Discover the Joy of Self Inquiry

4 sessions

1-4 months

Start your spiritual journey of self-empowerment, make lifestyle changes, or taste the experience of co-creative coaching


Image by Clay Banks


Find the Truth of Your Being

6 sessions

2-6 months

Take your practice of inner transformation deeper or work on a particular goal with insightful and transformative support.



Image by Robert Lukeman

Dig Deeper

Transform Your Deepest Self

10 sessions

3-10 months

We work in a collaborative process on a goal or personalized program, uncover your blindspots and acquire tools in your box of life to empower the new you.


Your SEssions are tailored to you
informed by elemental based healing

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