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Image by Jason Forrest

Available Services

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Meditation & Contemplative Practice

Foundational practices from Baba Hari Dass, with further mentorship in the Sufi and Buddhist traditions, complement Diane's doctoral research in the role of Contemplative Scientific research.

Flower Essence Therapy

A sister therapy to homeopathy, flower remedies are gentle but work deeply on the subtle aspects of mind.

Introduced to Flower essences by her root guru, Baba Hari Dass in the 90s, Diane's expertise in flower essence therapy is transformative.

Pranayama & Breathwork

Foundational training in Classical Ashtanga practices of pranayama as taught by Baba Hari Dass, further informed by years of research and scientific studies of the breath

Ayurveda & Traditional Healing

Ayurveda, the traditional elemental-based healing system of India is a perfect companion for contemplative lifestyles.  It informs nutrition, lifestyle and deeper transformational aspects of the human experience.

Further training in Traditional Healing approaches informs Diane's expertise

Yoga & Tibetan Lujong

Raja yoga-based asana practice, also known as Classical Ashtanga is the foundation of the asana practice we teach.

Tibetan practices of Lujong, Trulkhor & Tsa Lung complement the principles of elemental harmony we strive to create through embodied practice.

Nootropics, Supplements & Gemmo Therapy

Complementary to traditional forms of healing, modern advances in supplement therapy support the healing process of mind, body and spirit.


Interested in a consult?
Sign up for a Complimentary intake call

Single sessions start at $185 

Group classes are available upon request

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